Category: Uncategorized

  • Oral Hygiene and Care for Senior Citizens

    As a person ages, subtle changes take place throughout the whole body. Usually the aging process goes unnoticed on a day to day basis, until a photo of years ago is examined, then “Oh My Gosh I’m becoming old”! It is not only the outer body which reflects such changes, but the mouth shape, gums…

  • Downsizing 101—What Seniors Should Look for in Their Next Home

    If home healthcare is part of your retirement plan, you need to make sure you find the right home for your early retirement and elderly years. Downsizing is one of the biggest and one of the most common steps that seniors take as part of their retirement plan. As such, we wanted to offer our…

  • Aging-in-Place—Why Downsizing Isn’t Right for Everyone

    One of the most common things seniors do to prepare for retirement or to create an aging-in-place plan is to downsize their home. A smaller, ranch-style home can make all kinds of things easier, starting with house cleaning and just being able to see and use every part of your home. For a lot of…

  • Forecasting the Future Cost and Quality of Elder Care Services

    Depending on who you talk to, the future of elder care and senior living facilities is either extremely bright or disconcertingly on the decline. Either advancements in health services, healthcare technologies, facility design, and institutional support will outstrip any demographic challenges. Or else the combination of a population that’s getting older with the Baby Boomers…

  • Setting Limits and Boundaries

    Practice setting limits. You need to understand the importance of gently saying “no” to some things, so you can set reasonable limits with your parents. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should set limits arbitrarily. Most of the time, it’s not a good idea to start telling family members that you’re going to stop saying,…

  • Common Relationship Traps with Elder Care

    Adult children often see themselves as “problem-solvers,” especially when it comes to aging parents. Here are some tips for avoiding common relationship traps associated with caring for aging parents. Often, the impulse is to rush in and protect, but this also has the effect of unduly focusing on a parent’s weaknesses, rather than their enduring…

  • Senior Health Services

    Elder care involves nearly every aspect of life. As a caregiver, you may be called upon to support a senior’s medical, legal, social, psychological, daily living and personal care needs. And even at the best home health or care facility program, caregivers are never given enough preparation for the job. These challenges can feel overwhelming,…

  • Medication Management

    Medication management can be a minefield, especially for elders. Seniors are often treated by several doctors, and each doctor may have prescribed different medications. In combination, all of the prescriptions produce a complex daily medication schedule that must be closely adhered to and closely monitored for unintended interactions. The situation may also create thorny issues…

  • How to Reduce Your Risk and Your Fear of Falling

    Adult children and their aging parents are often concerned about increasing frailty. which often leads to falls and injury. With advances in wellness programs, frailty should no longer be considered a constant threat. Yet, falls and other injuries do loom as the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back. Since avoiding falling is mostly about…

  • How to Choose the Right Nursing Home

    When an aging family member develops a serious medical condition that requires care 24 hours a day, home care may not be a viable option. Deciding to move a parent to a nursing home is always a tough decision. The best time to start thinking about this decision is before this critical stage. Gathering information…